Dear Parents:
I would like to extend a warm welcome to all students and their parents. I am looking forward to working with you and your children at El Reno Public Schools during the 2024-2025 school year. To ensure your child’s health and safety I would like to share a few items with you.

HEALTH CONCERNS:  Please inform your school nurse of any health issues or medical concerns that your child has. If your child has a diagnosis such as Asthma, Allergies (that require an EPIPEN), Seizures, Diabetes or anything you as a parent are aware of. Please obtain a Medical Management Plan for the students attending Physician. You may drop it off at the school your child is attending and they will forward it to the Nurse. 

MEDICATIONS:  If a child, by order of a physician must receive medications in school, a parent signature prior to administering medication. Therefore, a prescription label is acceptable in lieu of an MD’s order.  By law the school is only allowed to administer medication per prescription bottle.  Our new Medication Permission Form must be completed and signed by a parent. This form along with the prescribed medication in its original container must be brought to school by the parent/guardian.  All medication MUST be administered in the office by designated personnel .  If you administer medication to your child before he/she comes to school, which could affect their performance, please send in a note to the teacher.

ILLNESS/ABSENCES: Please contact the school office in the morning if your child is to be absent and inform them why he/she will not be attending. 

Fever – Keep them home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of anti-fever medication.

Diarrhea or Vomiting – Any vomiting is a reason to send a child home or keep a child home. Keep them at home until vomit and diarrhea-free for 24 hours. 

Rash – If your child has a rash and a fever, keep them at home and talk with your healthcare provider.

Cough or Sore Throat -  Children with a cough or sore throat should be watched closely. If the cough or sore throat becomes worse or if the child develops a fever, the child is to sick for school.

If your child is diagnosed with any of the following communicable diseases please notify the nurse: strep throat, chicken pox, impetigo, scabies, head lice, pink eye, viral/diarrhea illness and Fifth’s Disease. The exclusion time for each is:

  • Strep Throat and Impetigo – 24 hours after initial dose of antibiotic

  • Chicken Pox – 7 days or until lesions are crusted over

  • Scabies/Ringworm – 24 hours after initial of medication and an MD note

  • Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) – 24 hours after initial dose of medication

  • Fifth’s Disease – exclusion at discretion of family MD or until fever subsides

  • Head Lice – after hair has been treated and nits removed

SCREENINGS:  During the school year El Reno Public Schools grades PK-4th will be provided hearing and vison screenings. 

VISION SCREENING: will be conducted by Vizavance for grades PK-4th grade. If your child wears glasses please remind him/her to wear them every day. You will be notified only if your child does not pass the screening.

Hillcrest:  November 11-12
Rose Witcher: November 20-21
Lincoln: October 10-11

FLU FACTS/INFORMATION: The flu is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. Although the flu affects everyone, children tend to get it more often than adults. The season for the flu is usually from November to April with most cases occurring between late December and early March. The flu is often confused with the common cold, but flu symptoms tend to develop quickly (usually 1 to 4 days after a person is exposed to the flu virus) and are usually more severe than the typical sneezing and stuffiness of a cold. Symptoms of the Flu may include:
Fever, Chills, Headache, Muscle aches, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Tiredness, Cough, Sore throat, Runny nose, Nausea or vomiting Weakness, Ear infection, Diarrhea

Symptoms can last for a week or two. The flu is very contagious. It is spread by coughing or sneezing into the air. People who are infected with the flu are contagious as long as they show symptoms (most of the time that means about a week for adults, but for children it can mean up to two weeks).

I hope this information is helpful to you. I hope you have a safe and healthy school year. If I can be of any help throughout the year please don’t hesitate to call me at the central office.

Nicki Cerne, RN 

Is your child too sick for school? ( Download file to print)

TOO SICK FOR SCHOOL? fever, diarrhea or vomiting, rash, cough or sore throat, other conditions.