A photo of an after school lunch.

Parents/Guardians of Elementary School Students:  For the last 6 months we have communicated that the federal funding that has provided free after school programs for the last several years ended in May 2024.  Thus, we were only able to offer a private pay program for next school year.  Unfortunately, we received very little interest and the program cannot be offered without funding.  Therefore, unfortunately, as of now, we will NOT have an after school program available next school year.  We are giving you this information in June so those that were interested in the after school program have adequate time to find other childcare.  If things change and there is a significant increase in the number of pre enrolled children so that the district could offer a program, parents will be informed immediately.      Thank you and we hope you are having a happy summer break!  Matt Goucher, Superintendent

If you would like to be put on the wait list for later consideration click here.